Bissau: A ONU pouco se interessa
Briefing Africa Monitor de 26 de fevereiro de 2016
28/02/2017 – Novo prazo para termo do mandato do gabinete da ONU em Bissau (UNIOGBIS), formalizada hoje a aprovação de resolução pelo Conselho de Segurança. Após rápida votação, apenas uma intervenção do representante permanente do Senegal, sobretudo para evocar as necessidades de financiamento da força da CEDEAO estacionada em Bissau (ECOMIB). Ao todo, uma sessão com cerca de 5 minutos. “Ressuscitada” a proposta de inclusão de Bissau numa visita do Conselho de Segurança à Africa Ocidental (Bissau, Dakar, Mali), após insistência do representante especial Miguel Trovoada, que inclusivamente lamentou a pouca atenção dada ao dossier guineense. Pontos essenciais da resolução hoje aprovada:
a) Sobre a crise política
- The ongoing political and institutional tensions among the President, the Prime Minister, the Speaker of Parliament and heads of political parties which has prevented the country from moving forward with its national reform agenda for over six months (para 89 SG's report) and threaten to undermine the progress made in Guinea-Bissau since the restoration of constitutional order following the elections held in 2014
- Calls upon Bissau-Guinean leaders, including the President, the Prime Minister, the Speaker of Parliament and heads of political parties to abide by their commitment to bring political stability to Guinea-Bissau
- Calls upon the authorities of Guinea-Bissau and all stakeholders, including the military, political parties, and civil society to work together to consolidate progress made so far, and to address the root causes of instability with particular attention to political-military dynamics, ineffective state institutions and rule of law, impunity and human rights violations and abuses, poverty and lack of access to basic services;
- Underscores the need for dialogue to consolidate peace and stability in Guinea-Bissau and calls upon the national authorities to expedite the review of Guinea-Bissau's Constitution;
b) Sobre envolvimento dos militares
- Noting efforts of the government to gain effective civilian control and oversight over the defence and security forces, as failure to do so could adversely affect the effective functioning of State institutions, as a result of collusion between some political actors and the military leadership,
- Reiterates its demand to the security and defence services to submit themselves fully to civilian control;
- Recognizes the ongoing implementation of some defence and security sector reforms and encourages the continuation of further efforts as a crucial element for long-term stability in Guinea-Bissau and further encourages coordinated action by all relevant subregional, regional and international partners of Guinea-Bissau in this field in order to obtain expeditious and positive results;
c) Sobre a ECOMIB
- The continued contribution of ECOMIB in ensuring an environment that enables the implementation of critical reforms in the defence and security sector and encouraging the international community to support the continuation of such efforts; Taking note with concern of the financial difficulties faced by ECOMIB in continuing to implement its mandate
- Commends the crucial role of ECOMIB in securing the state institutions and in supporting SSR, supports its continuation, in accordance with the expressed will of the authorities of Guinea-Bissau and urges bilateral, regional and international partners to consider providing financial assistance to support ECOWAS in sustaining the deployment of ECOMIB, as requested by the Forty-eighth Ordinary Summit of Heads of State of ECOWAS
d) Sobre o narcotráfico
- Reiterates its call upon the authorities of Guinea-Bissau to implemente and review national legislations and mechanisms to more effectively combat transnational organized crime, including drug trafficking and money-laundering, which threaten security and stability in Guinea-Bissau and in the subregion, and in this context, to provide additional support to the Transnational Crime Unit (TCU) established under the West Africa Coast Initiative (WACI) and the Intergovernmental Action Group against Money Laundering in West Africa (GIABA); encourages international bilateral and multilateral partners to increase their support to these institutions and further encourages these partners to contribute to support the presence of UNODC in Guinea-Bissau and to the UNIOGBIS Trust Fund for immediate, medium and longer-term priorities; calls upon the international community to enhance cooperation with Guinea-Bissau to enable it to ensure control of air traffic and surveillance of maritime security within its jurisdiction, in particular to fight drug trafficking and transnational organized crime, as well as illegal fishing in GuineaBissau's territorial waters and exclusive economic zone and other cases of ilegal exploitation of natural resources; and urges the authorities of Guinea-Bissau to demonstrate full commitment to combating drug trafficking;
- Stresses the importance of combating drug trafficking to achieve political and economic stability in Guinea-Bissau, requests the Secretary-General to ensure the relevant capacity within UNIOGBIS, continuing to provide an anti-drug component, including appropriate expertise and to include within the report of the Secretary-General an assessment of progress made in combating drug trafficking, and further requests the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to increase eftbrts to achieve greater coherence, coordination and efficiency among relevant UN agencies, funds and programmes in the country to maximize their collective effectiveness, in particular through provision by these agencies, funds and programmes of relevant information to the Special Representative on individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated with drug trafficking that contribute to creating a threat to the peace, stability and security of Guinea-Bissau and the subregion;
e) Sobre o representante especial da ONU
- Expresses its strong support for the key role of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Guinea-Bissau, and requests UNIOGBIS, including through the use of the good offices and political support of the Special Representative,
f) Sobre o envolvimento dos parceiros internacionais
- Ecourages ECOWAS and CPLP to take the necessary steps towards organizing a meeting of the International Contact Group on Guinea-Bissau, in consultation with the UN, EU, and all stakeholders;
g) Sobre o plano de desenvolvimento 2015-2020
- Urges Bissau-Guinean national stakeholders to demonstrate the necessary commitment to re-establish momentum for progress in key areas, as outlined in the programme "Terra Ranka" presented to the donor community at the Brussels round table held in March 2015, invites Guinea-Bissau's partners to fulfil the pledges they made at that round table and also encourages UNIOGBIS to assist in the coordination of international assistance to the Government of Guinea-Bissau in its fight against poverty;
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