ADDIS ABABA, Jan. 31 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has commended the "extraordinary" unity and leadership of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in the peaceful transition of Gambia.
In his address to the 28th African Union Summit on Monday, the UN secretary-general said the unity in ECOWAS and the restraint of the Gambian people in the face of possible conflict was commendable.
"The extraordinary union showed by ECOWAS is even a lesson to the world," he said.
"When we see so many conflicts multiplying, the only way to allow the international community to be able to address those conflicts, the only way to allow the international community to act boldly, is with unity of the countries of the region, able to serve together and in the same universal principles," he said.
"Our world needs to move from managing crises to preventing them in the first place. Too often the world responds too late and too little. I look forward to exploring with you how to break that cycle."
Former Gambian President Yahya Jammeh departed Gambia peacefully following ECOWAS' intervention after he had refused to hand over power to President Adama Barrow who beat him in elections held in December 2016, recalled a UN statement on Tuesday.
Guterres outlined several areas, including peace and security, where the UN and Africa could work together to improve the lives of the ordinary people.
The United Nations will step up its support to further promote good governance and reinforce the nexus between peace, security and development, said Guterres, adding the UN will support African efforts to realize its initiative to "Silence the Guns by 2020", or even before, including by strengthening support for the African Peace and Security Architecture.
"It is also very important that we are able to promote long-term thinking and commitment to building and maintaining peace after conflict ends to prevent backsliding," said Guterres.
The Secretary General has pledged his full commitment to working with AU in solidarity and respect to advance peace and security on the continent and realize the vision of Agenda 2063.
He said he intended to work with AU to present a set of concrete proposals to the Security Council on predictable, reliable and sustainable financing for AU peace operations.
Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, the outgoing Chairperson of the AU Commission, led the assembled leaders in honoring ECOWAS for ensuring a peaceful transition in the Gambia.
Liberian President Johnson Sirleaf received a present on behalf of ECOWAS from the pan-African bloc.
"You made us proud as you stood by the people of The Gambia and defended the values of our Union," said Dlamini-Zuma.
"Our thank to all those who participated and remained steadfast. We are particularly proud that it was under your stewardship as our first elected female President. You are a pioneer and inspiration to all women and men."
ADDIS ABABA, Jan. 31 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has commended the "extraordinary" unity and leadership of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in the peaceful transition of Gambia.
In his address to the 28th African Union Summit on Monday, the UN secretary-general said the unity in ECOWAS and the restraint of the Gambian people in the face of possible conflict was commendable.
"The extraordinary union showed by ECOWAS is even a lesson to the world," he said.
"When we see so many conflicts multiplying, the only way to allow the international community to be able to address those conflicts, the only way to allow the international community to act boldly, is with unity of the countries of the region, able to serve together and in the same universal principles," he said.
"Our world needs to move from managing crises to preventing them in the first place. Too often the world responds too late and too little. I look forward to exploring with you how to break that cycle."
Former Gambian President Yahya Jammeh departed Gambia peacefully following ECOWAS' intervention after he had refused to hand over power to President Adama Barrow who beat him in elections held in December 2016, recalled a UN statement on Tuesday.
Guterres outlined several areas, including peace and security, where the UN and Africa could work together to improve the lives of the ordinary people.
The United Nations will step up its support to further promote good governance and reinforce the nexus between peace, security and development, said Guterres, adding the UN will support African efforts to realize its initiative to "Silence the Guns by 2020", or even before, including by strengthening support for the African Peace and Security Architecture.
"It is also very important that we are able to promote long-term thinking and commitment to building and maintaining peace after conflict ends to prevent backsliding," said Guterres.
The Secretary General has pledged his full commitment to working with AU in solidarity and respect to advance peace and security on the continent and realize the vision of Agenda 2063.
He said he intended to work with AU to present a set of concrete proposals to the Security Council on predictable, reliable and sustainable financing for AU peace operations.
Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, the outgoing Chairperson of the AU Commission, led the assembled leaders in honoring ECOWAS for ensuring a peaceful transition in the Gambia.
Liberian President Johnson Sirleaf received a present on behalf of ECOWAS from the pan-African bloc.
"You made us proud as you stood by the people of The Gambia and defended the values of our Union," said Dlamini-Zuma.
"Our thank to all those who participated and remained steadfast. We are particularly proud that it was under your stewardship as our first elected female President. You are a pioneer and inspiration to all women and men."
Alhaji Adama Barrow who,was sworn-in in Senegal returned to Banjul, The Gambian capital on January 26 to a tumultuous welcome to begin his tenure as the next president of his country following the exit of Yayah Jammeh who stepped down from the presidency and proceeded to exile on January 20.
The crowd that greeted Barrow on arrival at the Banjul airport was indicative that his popularity which saw him trounce Jammeh at the polls last December 1, was still intact.
The circumstances of Barrow’s assumption of office have imposed additional burden on him as he confronts the task of rebuilding The Gambia.
For the 22 years that Jammeh held sway in the tiny West African country, Gambians never really experienced a free society that is the hallmark of democracy as Jammeh was a dictator who operated under the camouflage of democracy to sustain himself in power for over two decades.
Jammeh’s dispensation had no room for opposition. Anybody who raised a voice against his government was either arrested and jailed, or was eliminated by his agents.
Even in the December election in which he lost, Jammeh seized and detained Chairman of the opposition coalition party and other opposition politicians and only released them from detention after he lost the election.
Jameh’s era was hostile to the press, human rights and pro- democracy groups.
Against this background therefore, it behooves the new president to restore the dignity of the Gambians by organizing transparent elections in the future, guaranteeing freedom of speech and association, promoting respect for human rights and the rule of law all of which suffered greatly under the exiled former president.
Closely associated with the issue of good governance is the worsening poverty and gross infrastructural deficit in the country. The Gambia with a population of about 1.9 million people, has its economy anchored on the diverse eco systems which provides tourism opportunities and a source of income for the government.
The Gambia depends largely on trade, specifically tourism since very little manufacturing takes place in the country.
Agriculture which ranks as the second most viable sector has unfortunately not provided for the food needs of Gambians.
Consequently, the country has faced severe food shortages in the last few years and had to rely on fellow West African countries for food supplies with the national economy depending on foreign loans and development grants to survive.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Human Development Index (HDI) of 2007/2008 listed The Gambia as 155 out of 177 countries in the poverty index. The country’s IT infrastructure is perhaps one of the worst in West Africa with only 14 per cent of the population having access to Internet as at 2013.
In the face of this grueling poverty, corruption took centre stage with Jammeh, its greatest beneficiary living in opulence. The former president was believed to have owned nearly half of the successful businesses in The Gambia including choice landed property.
The allegation that the former president left with about $11 million into exile, though yet to be proven speaks of the level of corruption that had bedeviled the Gambian political and economic system in the 22 years that Jammeh held sway.
As Barrow settles down to the task of governance, he should be inspired by two concerns. First, the need to give his nationals cause to smile once again by ensuring that there is a clean break with the 22 years of misrule that characterized Jammeh’s era. He will have to move quickly to enthrone policies that open up the political space, encourage basic freedoms and protect the fundamental human rights of the Gambians.
The second is the need to reciprocate the efforts and contributions of the leaders of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) who stood firmly to ensure power transition peacefully to him by providing the kind of leadership that makes the leaders justify their involvement in the The Gambian political impasse.
President Barrow equally has a duty to rebrand the Gambia before the international community having suffered severe image loss due to Jammeh’s intransigence to hand over power after his electoral defeat.
The task ahead may appear herculean but it’s dependent on the calibre of persons who the president would assemble in his cabinet to assist him in the great task of rebuilding The Gambia.
History beckons on President Barrow to change the story of The Gambia for the better.
What he makes of this rare opportunity to change the story of The Gambia therefore will be left for posterity to judge.
Leadership, jornal da Nigéria
Le nouveau président gambien Adama Barrow a annoncé samedi une "refonte complète" du gouvernement, mais précisé que le très redouté service de renseignement continuerait à exister et qu'il garderait le chef de l'armée, le général Ousman Badjie. Lors de sa première conférence de presse depuis son retour jeudi du Sénégal voisin, M. Barrow a affirmé que la Gambie était un république, mais pas une « république islamique » comme l’avait décrété en 2015 son prédécesseur Yahya Jammeh, ce qui devrait aboutir au rétablissement de la semaine de cinq jours, le vendredi n’étant plus chômé.
Il a indiqué qu’il comptait achever la composition de son gouvernement en début de semaine prochaine.
« Mon gouvernement examinera tous les domaines et il y aura une refonte complète du système », a assuré M. Barrow.
Concernant l’Agence nationale du renseignement (NIA), considérée comme l’instrument de répression du régime Jammeh, à l’origine de nombreuses arrestations et disparitions, « c’est une institution qui doit continuer mais le nom changera », a indiqué le nouveau chef de l’Etat.
« Je pense qu’ils (les agents de la NIA) recevront davantage de formation pour être plus professionnels », a-t-il ajouté.
Quant aux forces de la Communauté économique des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (Cédéao) mobilisées pour contraindre Yahya Jammeh à céder le pouvoir, dont le commandement sénégalais a annoncé une « réduction progressive » des effectifs, « aucune date n’a été fixée » pour leur départ, a déclaré M. Barrow.
Vainqueur de l’élection du 1er décembre face à Yahya Jammeh, qui avait initialement reconnu sa défaite avant de se raviser le 9 décembre, M. Barrow a été accueilli le 15 janvier, à la demande de la Cédéao qui craignait pour sa sécurité en Gambie tant que M. Jammeh était en place.
Il a prêté serment le 19 janvier à l’ambassade de Gambie à Dakar. Peu après, la Cédéao lançait une opération pour forcer au départ M. Jammeh, qui a finalement quitté le pays le soir du 21 janvier pour être accueilli par la Guinée équatoriale. Jeune Afrique
Police in Senegal say the Gambia official accused of overseeing the torture of prisoners under former leader Yahya Jammeh has been arrested.
A police statement says general
Borra Colley was arrested Wednesday while trying to make his way to Guinea Bissau.
Colley had been director of the notorious Mile Two prison. He also led the Jungulars, Jammeh's personal military of some 50 officers who reportedly went into exile with him last weekend in Equatorial Guinea.
Some former Gambian officials fled the country during the political crisis that ended this week with the arrival of new President Adama Barrow. The Globe
If President Muhammadu Buhari periodically goes on a foreign medical holidays, specifically to the United Kingdom (UK) to keep appointment with his doctors who have been treating him over the years, as one of his aides suggested, then there is a very poor understanding by himself and his government of current status as the embodiment of sovereignty of the Nigerian State and the grave danger, such under-appreciation poses to our national security.
The prospect of the Nigerian president, an embodiment of the nation’s sovereignty and the repository of her most guarded state secrets lying helplessly in a foreign hospital at the mercy of a foreign doctor, who is obviously a mole or accessory to a mole of foreign intelligence service is scary and harrowing, especially with the probability that any listening device even mind-control or behaviour modification micro-chips could easily be inserted in the body of the Nigerian leader as part of routine medical checks.
Intelligence services and the espionage communities do not have the ethical restraints or the constitutional and democratic draw-backs of normal civil authorities even in the most advanced western democracies. They are the dark room and nerve centre of the state, far beyond the normal civil authorities and they constitute the deep state on which the normal governments rely. To guarantee the survival of the state and advance its interests beyond the routines of the normal government is the core duty of the intelligence services and in the pursuit of this duty, they are not often mindful of the niceties of constitutionalism or morality.In the ruthless world of intelligence services, every act is fair in the preservation and advancement of the interest of the state. No intelligence service, worth its salt, even of those of banana republics, let alone of an advanced western country, would watch a head of state of an important country, walk in and out of its domain for routine medical check-ups or holidays, without setting up apparatus to gain advantage in information and leverage on it to advance its own national interest.
From the time former U.S. President, Barack Obama won the presidency in 2008, his favorite barber in his home state, Chicago was always ferried to Washington for the hair-cut of the then president, under the watchful eyes of the U.S. intelligence and this is within the same country, not to imagine the prospect of the U.S. president travelling to another country to indulge himself in the pleasure of a hair-cut.
If the example of a U.S. president is far-fetched, think of this: no single Asian leader has travelled out of his country for a holiday or medical check-up. In the intelligence community, friends, allies and even enemies have little value. Edward Snowden, the U.S. intelligence contractor, blew the lid on how the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, CIA routinely spies on the U.S. European allies, causing particular distress to the German and French political leaders, who claimed publicly to be hurt by the friendly fire, but would secretly blame their intelligence services for not building sufficient deterrent capacity.
In transmitting his letter to the Senate and the transfer of his powers temporarily to the vice president to act, on his behalf, Buhari and his handlers are reveling in their adherence to constitutional provision but seemed totally oblivious of grave security implications, of care-free foreign medical holidays. The Guardian
Switzerland on Thursday detained former Gambian interior minister Ousman Sonko, who is under investigation for crimes against humanity during the regime of ex-president Yahya Jammeh.
The arrest and probe come as The Gambia on Monday welcomed their new president Adama Barrow, who had fled to Senegal after winning a landmark election as Jammeh refused to give up power sparking a political crisis.
Bern prosecutor Christof Scheurer told AFP that Sonko was being investigated under article 264a of the Swiss criminal code, which covers crimes against humanity.
Sonko had been one of Jammeh's top aides, serving in his presidential guard before heading the interior ministry from 2006 to 2016.
Jammeh sacked him in September and Sanko fled to Sweden where his request for asylum was rejected.
Sonko was detained in the Swiss capital Bern following a complaint filed by rights group TRIAL.
"He will be interrogated soon," Amael Gschwind, a spokesman for Bern prosecutors told AFP, confirming the arrest.
TRIAL, which campaigns for the Swiss judicial system to act on crimes committed abroad, described Sonko as one of Jammeh's "strongmen" and claimed he must have been aware of the violations committed under the fallen authoritarian regime.
"Sonko could not have ignored the large-scale torture that political opponents, journalists and human rights defenders suffered," charged Benedict de Moerloose of TRIAL's criminal law division.
According to TRIAL, Sonko arrived in Switzerland in November and applied for asylum.
It was not immediately clear where he had lived between his arrival and his arrest.
TRIAL urged Switzerland to move forward with prosecution, suggesting it could give positive momentum to the unprecedented political developments under way in The Gambia.
For the African Union (AU) leaders attending the 28th AU Summit, in Addis Abeba, the peaceful resolution of the Gambia’s electoral crisis by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) means they’ll be saved from having to mull over possible solutions when they meet on January 30 and 31.
The crisis started after former president Yahya Jammeh refused to accept the results of the Gambia’s December 2016 elections. Last week, on January 21, Jammeh finally agreed to step down and go into exile. This averted a possible military confrontation between the former president’s forces and ECOWAS. The AU now needs to provide full support to ECOWAS and the new government of Adama Barrow to manage the fall-out of Jammeh’s dramatic exit. ECOWAS, the AU and the United Nations (UN) will have to work closely with Barrow to meet the terms of the political agreement that led to Jammeh’s exit, and at the same time address the grievances of Gambians following Jammeh’s 22-year dictatorship. Jammeh was guaranteed that he’d be protected from intimidation, harassment and any form of “witch-hunting” – with the same applying to his followers or former members of his regime. The political agreement does not, however, provide any immunity from prosecution for the ex-president. Jammeh’s fate will therefore also depend on how committed Barrow, the international community and ordinary Gambians are to holding the former leader accountable for abuses during his term – while still upholding the “dignity, respect, security and rights” that he’d been promised. Yet the situation in the Gambia is not the only burning issue on the continent that needs the AU’s urgent attention. Many other matters are expected to be addressed at the summit --whether in official discussions, or at meetings held on the side-lines. These include the conflict in South Sudan, tensions in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), instability in Mali and the Sahel, turmoil in Libya and the war on al-Shabaab in Somalia. Regarding the ongoing conflict in South Sudan, the AU has to work more closely with the UN regarding the deployment of a regional protection force, which had been mandated by the UN to prevent the violence from worsening. Kenya has already decided to pull its forces out of South Sudan due to rifts with the UN, thereby requiring mediation from the AU. Progress also seems to have stagnated in the overall political process that was intended to restore peace and stability in South Sudan. The AU, UN and regional actors must urgently work to reach a common position on power-sharing and governance. This includes deciding on the fate of opposition leader Riek Machar, who is currently in South Africa. According to some analysts, there seems to be consensus among regional powers that stopping Machar from going back to South Sudan is key to preventing renewed fighting. But will maintaining the status quo in Juba lead to lasting peace? Heads of state attending the summit will also be aware of the political tension resulting from President Joseph Kabila’s prolonged tenure in the DRC. The failure to hold elections in 2016 has led to violent political unrest in the country. A political accord, mediated by the AU, was reached on October 8 last year. The accord postponed the elections to April 2018, but failed to end the unrest and led to a new deal, which was signed by the governing party and the main opposition parties on December 31. According to the new deal, which was brokered by the leadership of the Catholic Church in the DRC, Kabila agrees to hold elections in 2017 and then to step down as president. Some analysts, however, warn that such a move by Kabila could be a tactic to buy time, since the deal could falter as political parties wrangle for seats in a new government. Terrorism and lingering conflicts in the Sahel are also extremely concerning for the AU. The AU is yet to decide on the proposed African force within the UN mission for Mali to combat worsening threats – both in that country and the Sahel more broadly. Various armed jihadist groups continue to take advantage of the limited presence of the government in the north to carry out attacks. Armed jihadist groups have dealt a strong blow to peace efforts in Mali by attacking UN peacekeepers and signatories of the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation. Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb reported that its close ally, al-Mourabitoun carried out an attack in a military camp in Gao, northern Mali, which killed over 60 people and wounded more than a 100 others on January 18. The AU will have to push for a decisive solution to address the growing influence of terrorism in the region. The UN is already considering targeted sanctions in Mali. Political instability and turmoil also continue to plague Libya. At the 27th AU Summit in Kigali, Rwanda, AU leaders resolved to convene a national dialogue for reconciliation in that country. However the AU has not yet outlined concrete steps on how to achieve this. National dialogue remains crucial to unite rival governments and leaders, including General Khalifa Haftar – who commands Libyan military forces in the eastern part of the country. Neighbouring countries continue to play a key role in urging for dialogue. At the recent 10th meeting of the neighbouring countries of Libya – which was also attended by the AU Special Envoy in Libya, Jakaya Kikwete – the leaders warned the rival parties against further military action and again called for dialogue. Finally, 2017 is a decisive year as the AU plans to commence its withdrawal of the African Mission for Somalia (AMISOM) by 2018, with an eventual complete exit planned for 2020. If AMISOM is to start pulling out by 2018, the AU has to work closely with the international community to intensify efforts in curbing al-Shabaab, and consolidate gains that have been made in state-building. It remains doubtful whether a stronger military response could bring AMISOM any closer in its attempts to defeat al-Shabaab. The group has a strong ideological foundation that enjoys support among sections of the local population and other global extremist movements. A possible withdrawal of AMISOM would require reinforcing the state-building project with the buy-in of Somalis. The success of the ongoing elections in Somalia is key in the state-building effort, but the electoral process has been marred by vote-buying and intimidation. This casts doubt over the maturity of Somalia’s democracy and statehood. For AMISOM to stay the course, the international donor community would have to regroup to empower AMISOM to attain its goals. Ndubuisi Christian Ani, a researcher for ISS Addis Ababa.
After 22 years of autocratic rule under former President Yahya Jammeh, The Gambia has a new president - Adama Barrow. President Barrow’s inauguration took place on January 18 at the Gambian Embassy in Dakar, Senegal, due to concerns about his safety in Gambia. After initially accepting his electoral defeat in early December, Mr. Jammeh suddenly changed course, refusing to step down. He then attempted to challenge the election results in court and when that failed, declared a state of emergency.
The Economic Community of West African States, or ECOWAS, immediately condemned the attempt by Jammeh to cling to power. Following weeks of high-level engagement by ECOWAS and other regional heads of state, the group underlined their commitment to Gambian democracy by organizing a multinational mission to enforce Gambia’s electoral results should Mr. Jammeh continue to refuse to hand over power. Following the stationing of these forces on the Gambian border and intense last minute mediation by regional leaders, Mr. Jammeh finally agreed to depart peacefully on January 21. This has paved the way for President Barrow to return to the Gambia.
The United States welcomes the on-going peaceful transition of power in The Gambia and congratulates President Barrow on his inauguration.
Mr. Jammeh took office in 1994 after a coup and imprisoned numerous journalists and political opponents during his tenure. President Barrow has vowed to release all political prisoners and to get to work on improving the Gambia's economy.
The United States applauds the commitment to democracy and the restraint shown by the Gambian people over the past weeks and appreciates the decision by Mr. Jammeh to depart peacefully.
The United States commends the Economic Community of West African States and other regional partners for their leadership in addressing the situation. The United States echoes President Barrow's call for Gambians to unite and work together as brothers and sisters for the future of The Gambia.
The United States is proud of our close ties to the people of The Gambia and looks forward to working closely with President Barrow and his team to achieve the aspirations of all Gambians. Voz da América
The Republic of Equatorial Guinea Ambassador to Portugal, Tito Mba Ada, met at the weekend with the Portuguese Secretary of State from the Ministry for Foreign Business, Charged with the Internationalisation of Portuguese Companies Abroad, Jorge Costa Oliveira. The aim of the meeting was to request support for the organisation of an economic event for our country in Portugal, under the banner "Invest in Equatorial Guinea".
During the interview, the Director of the Sub-Saharan Africa Service from the Directorate General of Foreign Policy, and the Representative of the Portuguese Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade, was also present.
The Portuguese Secretary of State, Jorge Costa Oliveira, promised to support the organisation of the Equatorial Guinea economic event, which will take place at the end of February. The economic forum will enjoy the participation of Portuguese and Equatoguinean entrepreneurs.
The interview also served to look at the convenience of signing two important agreements on bilateral cooperation; one regarding industrial development, and the other on the "No Double Payment of Taxes".
The aim of this economic forum is to encourage investors from the two countries to work together under the Horizonte 2020 development programme.
Text and photos: Clemente Ela Ondo Onguene (DGPWIGE) Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission hinted yesterday that its coalition force will remain in The Gambia to ensure the stability of the country.
The President of ECOWAS Commission, Marcel de Souza revealed this in Abuja yesterday, while briefing journalists and members of the diplomatic corps on the political situation in that country.
De Souza said this followed a request by President Adama Barrow that the ECOWAS force remain in the country for the next six months.
The ECOWAS President, however, pointed out that keeping troops in that country would be decided by the Chiefs of Army Staff of the ECOWAS member countries.
“By the end of the week, the forces will fall back. Barrow would like us to have a sufficient force on ground for about six months; we will see which troops will be withdrawn and which would be retained”, he stated.
He further said that the ECOWAS Mission in The Gambia was to secure peace, contrary to reports that there was a military force in the country after former President Yayah Jammeh’s departure.
De Souza stated: “We needed to have a specific strategy and prevent a single shot being fired and avoid any bloodshed. Orders were given for forces to move to Banjul; it was a force to secure the situation, the environment and the life of Barrow, not a military move.
“What if there was an assassination attempt on President Barrow’s life, the aim of the entire action will be defeated.
We are waiting for a report, by today or tomorrow we will be able to indicate that President Barrow will return”.
The Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS, president, Marcel de Souza, has explained why West African troops in the Gambia (ECOMIG) are still in the country following the exit of Yahya Jammeh.
He said the force was there to protect the people and maintain order as new President Adama Barrow prepares to assume office. In a chat with members of the Diplomatic Corps on the political situation in The Gambia, De Souza said ECOWAS does not have the intention of invading any country of member states.
“The ECOWAS mission in the Gambia was misunderstood. It was said that since Yahya Jammeh had left the country, what is the force still doing there? The forces are not there to fire shots but to secure the situation,” he said.
He disclosed that there were heavily-armed mercenaries in the country and this posed threat to the life of the President Barrow.
“We cannot allow Adama Barrow to move into the country in such a situation,” he said, adding that the troops would be there for the situation to improve. Barrow remains in neighbouring Senegal amd De Souza did not mention when the new president would return to his country.
A imagem não foi escolhida ao acaso e espelha desde logo a importância dos acontecimentos em Banjul e do efeito, pela proximidade, que poderá ter na vizinha República da Guiné-Bissau (RGB). Para quem ainda não está sintonizado/a com o assunto, Yahya Jammeh, Presidente da agora República Islâmica da Gâmbia durante os últimos 22 anos, perdeu as eleições presidenciais em Dezembro de 2016 para o seu oponente Adama Barrow. Ainda durante a noite eleitoral, à medida que os resultados iam confirmando a vitória de Barrow, Jammeh aceitou publicamente a derrota, dizendo também que se retiraria para a sua quinta, em Kanilai, sua tabanka natal e que se dedicaria à agricultura. Uns dias depois deu o dito por não dito e disse que não aceita(va) os resultados, recusando-se desde então a abandonar a Presidência. (Entretanto a crise e o impasse já terminaram, já que Yahya Jammeh já se retirou para o exílio na Guiné-Equatorial. O “destempo” da publicação deve-se a uma avaria no PC, do qual fui privado 3 dias).
Esta tomada de posição fez soar os alarmes da Comunidade Económica dos Estados da África Ocidental (CEDEAO) e não só, que de imediato foram enviando Chefes de Estado a Banjul, capital da Gâmbia, para convencer o Presidente Jammeh a sair e aceitar exílio na Nigéria (líder da CEDEAO), Mauritânia, Qatar e Marrocos (não membros da CEDEAO). A CEDEAO ameaçou intervir militarmente, caso o resultado das eleiçõoes não fosse aceite, mas também deu o dito por não dito e, finalmente, certamente por pressão da Nigéria, voltou à palavra inicial, colocando 7 mil tropas da Nigéria, Senegal, Mali, Gana e Togo, na curta fronteira entre a Gâmbia e o Senegal. Adama Barrow tomou posse como novo Presidente, na Embaixada da Gâmbia em Dakar, no passado 19 de Janeiro, data limite dada pela CEDEAO a Yahya Jammeh, para abandonar a Presidência, ou seria retirado à força. Há notícias de que estas tropas já estarão em território gambiano, a postos para repor a legalidade constitucional no país, mas até este momento vive-se um impasse, sendo certo que o ex-Presidente já viu a sua Vice—Presidente abandonar o cargo, bem como o seu CEMGFA celebrar nas ruas, a tomada de posse do novo Presidente. Ou seja, encontra-se cada vez mais isolado e com o Exército partido ao meio entre as étnias Djola e Mandinga, por culpa de Jammeh, que já nesta fase de tensão final ameaçou matar pessoalmente todos os militares mandingas nas fileiras, caso se colocassem do lado de Barrow. Do ponto de vista étnico, vale a pena acrescentar que o ex-Presidente Jammeh é Djola e o novo Presidente Barrow é filho de mãe Mandinga e de pai Fula, o que também dá esperanças aos gambianos que o futuro poderá passar por um desejado período de “políticas não étnicas”, o contrário do que Jammeh fez nos últimos anos. POR QUE É QUE A CRISE NA GÂMBIA INTERESSA À LUSOFONIA?
Desde já recorro de novo à imagem que ilustra o texto, mas também poderia ter colocado uma que mostra a estrada, desde Bissau a Banjul, uma distancia menor de 300 km. A proximidade é o maior problema, de tal forma, que Luís Vicente, um luso-guineense, profundo conhecedor das realidades e dependências da RGB, prioriza o Porto de Banjul, como principal ponto de abastecimento da RGB, o que em caso de conflito, terá de imediato repercussões neste país lusofono. Outra consequência imediata e que já está a acontecer, é uma vaga de refugiados no sentido do sul do Senegal e norte da RGB, sendo já 45 mil os deslocados registados pelas Nações Unidas e, neste ponto, o Professor Eduardo Costa Dias (ISCTE), certamente o melhor especialista português na África Ocidental, alerta para o perigo de uma vaga futura de refugiados, ser um atractivo para o estabelecimento de mais traficantes de droga em Bissau e arredores, enquanto aproveitam o caos regional para se esconderem e prosperarem.
Quanto às tensões étnicas, Costa Dias desvaloriza o cenário de um efeito dominó em direcção à RGB. O efeito de contágio seria, na opinião deste Académico, via Felupes/Djolas da Gâmbia e Casamansa, assunto ao qual já iremos.
Já Jorge Heitor Jornalista/Africanista, com profunda experiência na RGB reforça o facto de a RGB ter sempre tido políticos nascidos, criados ou com laços familiares na Gâmbia, como foi o caso de Iaiá Camará, vice-presidente de Nino. Os felupes do Norte da RGB e os djolas gambianos são afins. José Mário Vaz (JOMAV), Presidente da RGB tem tido em Jammeh um grande sustentáculo, pelo que com a saída deste ficará mais frágil. Em complemento, Luís Vicente reforça a ideia da influência da figura do Presidente Jammeh, na actual crise constitucional na RGB, já que a grande reviravolta do PRS, após o regresso dos seus líderes da Gâmbia, na sequência do convite formulado por Yahya Jammeh para resolução do conflito político que opunha o Presidente JOMAV e o PAIGC, onde consta que foram assumidos compromissos políticos e até financeiros. Quem andou a financiar o próprio governo de Baciro Djá, uma vez que o orçamento nunca chegou a ser aprovado na Assembleia da República? Questiona Vicente! E, conclui que o grupo dos 15 teve muito mais impacto quando regressou da Gâmbia e a partir daí os problemas políticos intensificaram-se de uma tal forma que ainda hoje se sentem os resquícios dessa batalha terrível que está a destruir as esperanças do povo guineense. Quer queiramos ou não, os problemas da Gâmbia têm um forte impacto na Guiné-Bissau em todos os sentidos, nomeadamente, social, económico e religioso. No que se refere à componente Social, na medida em que já assistimos a fuga da população gambiana com destino à RGB e ao Senegal, o que criará maiores dificuldades ao país, uma vez que não oferece condições para dar suporte às suas populações quotidianamente, sendo agora confrontado com um “BOOM” de refugiados gambianos. CONSEQUÊNCIAS DA SAÍDA DE JAMMEH
Já se sabe, como disse anteriormente, que o agora ex-Presidente Yahya Jammeh, se encontra exilado na Guiné-Equatorial, país membro da CPLP, para onde levou 11 milhões de dólares dos cofres gambianos. Em primeiro lugar e, desde já, assinalar o silêncio do Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros de Portugal, que sobre este assunto (o roubo deste dinheiro e consequente exílio de Jammeh num país membro da CPLP). É nestas ocasiões que se afirmam as lideranças destes projectos multilaterais e sempre competitivos. Mas o silêncio não é apenas português, é geral, no seio da nossa Comunidade Lusófona. Aliás, não creio ter visto este assunto passar na Media portuguesa, em semana de tomada de posse do 45º Presidente americano.
Jammeh saiu, mas não significa que fique quieto, voltando a Jorge Heitor, este refere que Jammeh tem a sua base tribal e, ao que consta, grandes depósitos de armas na fronteira da Gâmbia com a Casamansa, pelo que poderia retirar-se para aí e desenvolver uma guerrilha, incendiando todo esse território. Se o escorraçarem de Banjul, ele poderá tornar-se o padrinho da guerrilha separatista da Casamansa, afectando muito naturalmente toda a faixa setentrional da Guiné-Bissau, a começar por Varela e São Domingos. Não foi “para aí” (Kanilai, na fronteira sul da Gâmbia, hipótese aventada aquando do impasse), mas foi para a Guiné Equatorial, de onde poderá manipular os acontecimentos, agora com os seus milhões e os de Obiang, que todos consideramos um outsider e que poderá ver aqui uma hipótese de influenciar e condicionar ainda mais a relação de poderes no seio da CPLP e CEDEAO.
Tudo isto ganhará chão ideológico, caso o Presidente legitimo Adama Barrow, afilhado político do Presidente do Senegal, Maki Sall (étnia Fula), esteja sugestivo aos avanços deste para reactivar o acordo que estabeleceu a Senegâmbia entre 1982 e 1989, uma Confederação que uniu instituições comuns entre a Gâmbia e o Senegal, bem como promoveu uma integração dos aparelhos militar e de segurança de ambos países. Esta será também uma forma de o Senegal se afirmar regionalmente e fazer face aos avanços nigerianos no seio da CEDEAO, apresentando-se como garante da paz no Senegal, Gâmbia, RGB e até mesmo Mauritânia, Mali e Marrocos, já que as consequências regionais serão imprevisíveis de um conflito baseado em diferenças étnicas e, neste caso, numa transferência de território e soberania, que a propaganda fará sempre passar como alienação definitiva e não transferência coordenada e revogável.
Neste sentido e, em conclusão, aponto para um cenário de potencial conflito entre 2 projectos, o da Senegâmbia, apaziguador (e também de certa forma consensual entre a sofrida população gambiana que manifestou “apenas” querer paz e segurança, nos últimos dias), já que pretende ter mão no dividido Exército Gambiano, fruto desta querela Constitucional e, o projecto de uma Gâmbia-Casamansa, disruptivo e vingativo, liderado à distância pelo ex-Presidente Jammeh (o qual arrisca ser perseguido pelo TPI, promessa de campanha do seu sucessor Barrow), que apostará num quanto pior melhor e que em muito afectará a RGB, tanto na anexação de parte do seu território norte (Varela e S. Domingos) e mesmo interior norte (Oio e Bafatá), como nas tensões étnicas entre Djolas gambianos e Felupes bissau-guineenses que, por muita afinidade que exista entre ambos, tudo muda quando se alteram fronteiras.
Volto ainda ao Professor Costa Dias, como nota final que sugeriu o seguinte, Uma boa pergunta será também saber como estão a reagir os tradicionais apoios de muçulmanos radicais na Mauritania, Mali, Burkina-Faso e mesmo Médio Oriente, a Jammeh. Sobre este capítulo, assinalo a permanente atenção que a Qatari Al-Jazeera deu a este impasse, em véspera e no próprio dia da tomada de posse do novo Presidente americano, com constantes “directos” a partir de Dakar, com direito a enviado especial, demonstrativo das simpatias que o Golfo tem pelo homem que em Dezembro de 2015, fez da Gâmbia a 5ª República Islâmica do Planeta Terra (as outras são o Paquistão, o Irão, a Mauritânia e o Afeganistão).
De Dakar où il se trouve en attendant son retour en Gambie, Adama Barrow a commencé à formé son gouvernement. Le successeur de Jammeh a nommé Fatoumata C.M. Jallow -Tambajang au poste de vice présidente. L'information a été livrée par son porte-parole Halifa Sallah, lors d'une conférence de presse tenue lundi à Banjul. Le probable futur porte parole du gouvernement a en outre révélé que la liste restante des ministres du gouvernement sera annoncée plus tard sur la télévision d'Etat TGRS.
Mme Tambajang est l'une des initiateurs de la coalition de l'opposition qui a abouti à l'élection d'Adama Barrow et mis fin à 22 ans de régime de Yahya Jammeh.
Fatoumatta C.M. Jallow Tambajang est née le 22 octobre 1949 à Brikama, une ville commerçante de la Gambie. Elle a fait ses études en Gambie, au Sénégal et en France. Femme leader, elle est mère de huit (8) enfants.
Actrice du développement, elle a été primée par le PNUD, dans un projet axé sur l'intégration de la dimension de genre. Elle a collaboré pendant 20 ans avec le PNUD et les ONG féminines, et y a occupé divers postes de responsabilité. Elle a séjourné pendant cinq ans dans les régions du fleuve Mano et des Grands Lacs dévastées par la guerre civile. Défenseure des droits de l'homme, Mme Tambajang est une figure historique de l'opposition pour le changement démocratique en Gambie.
Fatoumatta C.M. Jallow Tambajang a été désignée médiatrice par les partis de l'opposition pour créer une coalition crédible et équilibrée entre les sexes lors des élections nationales de 2016.
Elle a été élue présidente de la coalition en raison des grands progrès qu'elle a réalisés, en réunissant notamment les membres de l'opposition autour d'une seule bannière.
Fatoumata était conseillère de l'ancien Président de la Gambie, Daouda Kaïraba Jawara sur le droits des femmes et des enfants.
Elle a présidé le Conseil national des femmes de la Gambie et l'a représentée au Conseil national économique et social de la Gambie pendant six (6) ans.
Elle a également été secrétaire générale de SoS-Santé et du Bien-être social et a initié et lancé une structure dénommée "The Sera Jarjue Fund" pour les personnes à faibles revenus.
Elle a reçu la plus haute distinction de la Gambie sous le règne de Dawda Kairaba Jawara.
The demand from the United States for Jammeh to relinquish power was a display of absolute hypocrisy since Washington had not only installed Jammeh into power but two successive U.S. presidents warmly welcomed the military ruler to the White House. Jammeh, who owns a $3.5 million mansion in Potomac, Maryland, was warmly greeted by President Barack Obama at the 2014 and 2015 U.S.-Africa Leaders’ Summits in Washington. President George W. Bush greeted Jammeh at the U.S.-Africa Business Summit in Washington in 2003. With the protection of the State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service, Jammeh’s Moroccan-born wife, Zineb Jammeh, ran up huge totals at the Washington area’s fashionable shopping malls. She also settled on Sam’s Club, a wholesale discount store, to buy massive amounts of household goods. Jammeh is a textbook case of CIA-sponsored kleptocracy on a grand scale. Under Jammeh, Gambia continued to be a strategic ally of the United States. The kleptocratic Gambian leader permitted the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to maintain an emergency landing site for NASA’s space shuttle in the country and Gambia participated with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency in the post-9/11 rendition program.
Before being installed as Gambia’s dictator, Jammeh had received training from the Pentagon. Merely a lieutenant in the Gambian National Army. In 1993, Jammeh attended the notorious «School of the Americas» in Fort Benning, Georgia. The school has trained some of Latin America’s most notorious military dictators and death squad commanders. While in Fort Benning, Jammeh was made an honorary citizen of the state of Georgia. The following year, and before he launched his coup, Jammeh attended the Military Police Officers Basic Course (MPOBC) at Fort McClellan, Alabama. He was also made an honorary Lieutenant Colonel in the Alabama State Militia. Jammeh continued to collect American honorifics, including being made an admiral in the non-existent Navy of the State of Nebraska. The corny title is bestowed by the governor of Nebraska to prominent citizens, who have not only included African dictators like Jammeh and his fellow CIA-supported kleptocrat, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea, but to the likes of George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Queen Elizabeth II. It was during the administration of President Bill Clinton that the green light was given for Jammeh to be installed in a CIA-led coup in Gambia. Zero Edge
The recently ended dictatorial rule of former President Yahaya Jammeh of the Gambia has produced its first installment of scandal, as the ex-dictator has been accused of looting his country’s treasury and leaving with some of the loot on a private jet owned by Nigeria’s All Progressive Congress National Leader, Mr. Bola Ahmed Tinubu. Unknown to many Nigerians, the super-expensive Falcon Dassault 900X triple engine jet, which was last seen flying Mr. Jammeh out of The Gambia, is owned by the former Lagos State governor until his newspaper, The NATION, published a story revealing that it was used to move Mr. Jammeh out of his country. The newspaper also said the jet had been in the care of President Alpha Conde of Guinea.
Gambians are happy that Mr. Jammeh left the country on Saturday night after leaders of the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) and the African Union (AU), supported by the United Nations (UN), got him to commit to an agreement to quit to avoid military action.
They are, however, unhappy with the arrangement that enabled Mr. Jammeh to leave with huge sums of money said to be $11million and luxury items believed to be stolen from his country.
A cargo aircraft provided by the President of Chad, Mr. Idris Deby, was seen ferrying at least seven exotic cars, including Rolls Royce and Sports Utility Vehicles for the exclusive use of Mr. Jammeh, who is now in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, shortly after a brief stop-over in Conakry, Guinea. President Conde of Guinea reportedly disembarked before Mr. Tinubu’s jet headed to Malabo, where Mr. Jammeh will, in the meantime, spend his post-office life as the guest of another sit-tight dictator, President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea.
The new Gambian government of President Adama Barrow has not fully disclosed the scale of last-minute looting perpetrated by Jammeh, but Central bank officials are revealing that the former dictator stole at least $20m from Gambians in the last two weeks. Sahara Reporters, New York
La Comunidad Económica de Estados de África Occidental, la Unión Africana y Naciones Unidas han pedido al nuevo Gobierno gambiano que respete la integridad y los derechos del ex presidente Yahya Jamé tras su problemática salida del poder, según una declaración conjunta que anima a las nuevas autoridades a "iniciar un proceso de reconciliación nacional para cimentar la cohesión social".
En la declaración, publicada este sábado, las tres organizaciones valoran positivamente la "pacífica transición de poder" en el país africano sin hacer mención a la dilación exhibida por el ex dirigente, que intentó prolongar su mandato tras negarse a reconocer su derrota electoral, a pesar de las críticas en pleno de rivales y comunidad internacional.
Así, tanto la CEDEAO como la Unión Africana y la ONU "aplauden la buena voluntad y el sentido de estado" exhibidos por Jamé "para preservar la paz, estabilidad y seguridad de Gambia", así como "su decisión de facilitar una transición pacífica y ordenada, de acuerdo con la constitución".
Las tres organizaciones piden al Gobierno gambiano, en este sentido, "que garantice la dignidad, el respeto, la seguridad y los derechos del ex presidente", y que tome las medidas necesarias para "asegurarse de que no comienza una campaña de intimidación, acoso o caza de brujas contra los antiguos miembros del régimen de Jamé o sus simpatizantes".
Jamé se encuentra ahora en Guinea Ecuatorial tras 22 años de un mandato marcado por múltiples acusaciones de abusos contra los Derechos Humanos, así como de torturas y asesinatos. A pesar de la victoria de Barrow en los comicios, Jamé rechazó la declaracion de la Comisión electoral y recurrió al Tribunal Supremo, iniciando una campaña de desgaste que solo terminó cuando el Ejército le retiró su apoyo el pasado viernes. Para entonces, Jamé había disuelto el Gobierno.
Aunque ni la CEDEAO, ni la UA ni Naciones Unidas sabían que Jamé tenía previsto exiliarse en Guinea Ecuatorial, las declaración pide al Gobierno gambiano que se abstenga de tomar represalias contra "cualquier país que proporcione hospitalidad africana al ex presidente y a su familia", y conceden que Jamé "tiene libertad para regresar a Gambia en cualquier momento como ciudadano de este país y antiguo jefe de Estado".
Après sa déclaration officielle à la télévision nationale la nuit dernière, le président sortant Yahya Jammeh attendrait en ce moment à Banjul le vol devant le conduire à sa nouvelle destination qui serait probablement, Malabo, la capitale de la Guinée Equatoriale, vient d’apprendre Guinéenews des sources proches de la médiation menée par les présidents Alpha Condé de la Guinée et Abdel Aziz de la Mauritanie.
Selon nos informations, le pays du président Teodoro Obiang Nguema MBasogo aurait accepté d’offrir l’asile au désormais ex-président de la Gambie, le Cheikh Professeur Alhaji Dr. Yahya AJJ Jammeh Nasirul Deen Babili Mansa.
Pour sa part, le numéro un guinéen, Alpha Condé serait toujours en place à Banjul dans l'attente de l'avion qui doit venir chercher l’enfant de Kanilaï pour Malabo, nous indique une de nos sources avant de préciser que ce dernier acte constituerait l’une des dernières conditions posées par les médiateurs à fin d'assurer une prise de fonction effective du président élu, Adama Barrow, investi le 19 janvier dernier à l’Ambassade de la Gambie à Dakar.
Aux dernières nouvelles, le président Jammeh, pour des raisons de logistiques, ferait escale d'abord à Conakry où il est incessament attendu en compagnie du président Alpha Condé avant de mettre le cap sur Malabo, capitale de la Guinée Equatoriale, nous rapportent nos sources.
Par ailleurs, faut-il rappeler que beaucoup d'autres noms de pays ont circulé depuis ce samedi matin dans la presse et dans les chancelleries comme étant de possibles destinations de l'ancien homme fort de Banjul. Parmi eux, il y a la Guinée, la Mauritanie, le Maroc ou encore le Qatar.
Gambian President Yahya Jammeh has accepted to step down from power in order to stop military invasion of his country by West African forces. The regional forces invaded the Gambia to remove Jammeh following his refusal to cede power to president-elect Adama Barrow.
Douglas Degroot, with the Executive Intelligence Review from Leesburg, says Jammeh’s acceptance to relinquish power is a major step to avoid further conflict and bloodshed in West Africa.
The decision by Jammeh to step down from power is “a very positive development for all of West Africa,” because the situation in the whole region could have turned into turmoil, Degroot told Press TV’s Top 5 on Friday night.
He argued that the peaceful settlement of the politician chaos in the Gambia stops at least one dilemma in the “nasty situation of West Africa,” which has been already involved in fighting terrorism in Nigeria and Mali.
There have been reports that “some of Charles Taylor [former president of Liberia] mercenaries from the Liberian civil war period were possibly going to get involved” in the election crisis of the Gambia, he stated.
He touched upon the impact of regional pressure on the longtime president, noting, “Jammeh finally got the message that this (refusal to cede power) just is not going to be tolerated” by the regional powers.
Countries like Senegal, Nigeria, Liberia and Ghana threatened the Gambian president that if he refuses to accept his defeat in the election and relinquish power, they would bring him down to make sure President-elect Adama Barrow would take office.
Jammeh found himself very “isolated” when other nations in West Africa signaled their support for the president-elect and urged the long-time president to step down, he said.
Jammeh, who lost the vote by a slim margin to Barrow, first accepted the defeat in December’s election but then changed his mind and said there were irregularities in a recount.
DAKAR, Senegal (AP) -- Gambia's new president Adama Barrow said Saturday that he will launch a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the alleged human rights abuses of Yahya Jammeh's 22-year regime.
In an interview with The Associated Press just hours after Jammeh finally acquiesced to political exile, Barrow, 51, said it is too soon to tell whether the former president could face trial at the International Criminal Court or elsewhere.
"We aren't talking about prosecution here. We are talking about getting a truth and reconciliation commission," he said. "Before you can act, you have to get the truth, to get the facts together."
The exact terms of Jammeh's departure remained under wraps Saturday apart from his destination: Guinea.
"What is fundamental here is he will live in a foreign country as of now," said Barrow, visibly tired and wearing a powder blue traditional West African boubou robe and white leather slip-on shoes.
It's been a chaotic and tragic week for the new Gambian leader, who is being protected by heavily armed guards at a private residence in an upscale Dakar neighborhood equipped with its own metal detector.
A funeral was held Monday for Barrow's 7-year-old son, Habib, who was fatally mauled by a dog. Barrow did not attend because he was advised not to return to Banjul for fear that the Jammeh regime would threaten him. On Thursday, Barrow, a former businessman and real estate developer, was sworn into office at the Gambian Embassy in Dakar as hundreds of exiled Gambians cheered and waved flags outside.
In his inaugural address, Barrow vowed "a new start" for Gambia promised to expand the country's democratic gains. Although officially elected to a five-year term, Barrow has said would serve only three years with a goal of repairing Gambia's democracy before making the way for new leadership. That is in pointed contrast to Jammeh's long rule, and the many other African leaders who stay in office for lengthy periods.
Barrow also has said he would prioritize reviving the stagnant economy of the tiny West African country, which has a population of 1.9 million. He also said he would improve Gambia's relationships with the international community, rejoin the Commonwealth of former British-ruled states and the International Criminal Court.
Barrow has stayed in Senegal throughout the prolonged negotiations needed to arrange Jammeh's departure. He attended Friday prayers at a mosque with Senegalese President Macky Sall.
The fears for Barrow's security were because Jammeh has long been accused by human rights groups of heading a government that tortured opponents and silenced dissent. Many Gambians have been arbitrarily detained for years, often without access to family members or lawyers. Some people have effectively disappeared, but families cling to hope that they may still be alive, say human rights activists.
Senegal has welcomed tens of thousands of fleeing Gambians over the years. Barrow has vowed to free all political prisoners and is urging those here in Dakar and elsewhere to return to Gambia and help him reform the country long beset by dictatorship and corruption.
He already has issued a message that "the rule of fear has been vanished from the Gambia for good."
"Today is a very, very important day for Gambia," he said Saturday. "Twenty-two years is a long period, and Gambians this time they are united to make this change."
Joint statement by the High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini and the Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development Neven Mimica on the latest developments in The Gambia
Today the will of the Gambian people is being respected and the way for President Adama Barrow cleared. The positive and peaceful outcome of the post-electoral stalemate in The Gambia is the result of extraordinary regional and international coordinated efforts with ECOWAS in the lead.
We confirm our full support to President Barrow and reaffirm the European Union's readiness to assist The Gambia and its people.
DAKAR Jan 20 (Reuters) - West African forces that entered Gambia as part of an operation to force the country's veteran leader Yahya Jammeh to step aside will wait for mediation talks to finish before resuming their advance, a Senegalese presidential source said on Friday. Guinea's President Alpha Conde and Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz have headed to Gambia to urge Jammeh to quit peacefully after he lost an election."So long as Conde and Aziz are there we will not resume hostilities," the source said.Regional body ECOWAS had previously set noon as a deadline for Jammeh to leave power. (Reporting by Diadie Ba; Writing by Emma Farge; Editing by Gareth Jones)
DAKAR, Senegal (AP) -- A new Gambian president has been sworn into office in neighboring Senegal, while Gambia's defeated longtime ruler refuses to step down from power, deepening a political crisis in the tiny West African country.
Adama Barrow was inaugurated Thursday in a hastily arranged ceremony at Gambia's embassy in Senegal. The small embassy room held about 40 people, including Senegal's prime minister and the head of Gambia's electoral commission.
A jumbo TV screen broadcast the swearing in ceremony to several hundred watching outside the embassy
Also at the event were officials from West Africa's regional bloc, ECOWAS, which is threatening to invade Gambia to force outgoing president Yahya Jammeh to step down.
The U.N. Security Council was set to vote later Thursday on a draft resolution endorsing the West African regional force's efforts to remove Jammeh.
Bissau, 17 Jan 17 (ANG) – o novo embaixador extraordinário e Plenipotenciário da Guiné-Bissau em Portugal, Helder Vaz entregou hoje ao presidente português, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, as cartas credencias que lhe investem nessas funções.
Na sua conta no facebook,o antigo deputado da Nação e ex-ministro da Economia e Desenvolvimento Regional escreveu que *Portugal e Guiné-Bissau, de tão longe vêm a relação secular e o conhecimento mútuo, que muito perto e estreito devem ser os laços do presente e do futuro*.
Ex-dirigente da Resistencia da Guiné-Bissau/Movimento Bah-fata considerou que os dois países têm tudo a ganhar estando cada vez mais Juntos na realização dos objetivos de cada um , ajudando-se e complementando-se um ao outro ,
*Que DEUS ilumine os nossos passos na construção de um futuro partilhado*, pediu.
O agora embaixador da Guiné-Bissau em Portugal, entre outros serviços prestados, foi Diretor-geral da CPLP durante vários anos, e alto funcionário da UCCLA(União das Cidades Capitais de Língua Portuguesa).
East Timor says it wants to tear up a controversial 2006 maritime border treaty with Australia which has soured relations between the two countries.
The treaty dealt with how oil and gas beneath the Timor Sea should be shared, but has been disputed ever since.
East Timor, one of Asia's poorest nations, argues the way territory has been divided was not fair.
It is now hoping for a fresh deal that gives it a larger share of revenues from natural resources.
What was the treaty about?
After East Timor, also known as Timor-Leste, gained independence from Indonesia in 2002, no permanent maritime boundary was established between Australia and the new nation.
Instead, the two sides agreed on the "Certain Maritime Arrangements in the Timor Sea" treaty (CMATS) that set a temporary border and put off a final agreement for another 50 years.
The location of that permanent border is crucial to both sides, because there is an estimated $40bn (£32.85bn) worth of oil and gas beneath the sea that divides the countries.
Under the 2006 treaty, revenue from the Greater Sunrise oil and gas field would be split evenly between the two countries.
Why is East Timor unhappy?
Australia played a pivotal role in helping East Timor get independence, through military support and then providing post-independence aid.
But the small country believes its large, rich neighbour is getting far more than it actually is entitled to under the United National Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). While Australia is a signatory to UNCLOS - it refuses international arbitration on maritime boundary matters.
Many in East Timor feel that they were essentially bullied into the treaty at a time when the young country was desperate for money and would have signed pretty much anything. The anger at Canberra was heightened when it was alleged that Australia had planted spying devices in East Timor's cabinet office during the negotiations ahead of the 2006 treaty.
"Having that as an advantage for you to negotiate something that is a matter of death and life for a small country, I think it's - at least morally - it's a crime," East Timor's Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araujo told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in 2015.
What next?
Australia has signalled that it will accept East Timor's move to end the deal that marks out the maritime border.
There's a three month notice period until the treaty will actually cease to be in effect, and things will revert to an earlier agreement from 2002.
East Timor says that line should be drawn midway between the two coastlines, which would mean that most of the oil and gas reserves would lie on Timor's side.
But Australia argues the border should be at the edge of its continental shelf, which would put it closer to East Timor.
In September 2016, East Timor also took the case to the international court of arbitration in the Netherlands, but Australia has denied the court has any jurisdiction on the matter.
East Timor's Ambassador to Australia, Abel Guterres, says reaching an agreement in line with international law would be "very important for both countries in our bilateral relations as well as regional stability and security". BBC
Bissau, 06 Jan 17 (ANG) - Um grupo de cidadãos, coordenados pelo ex-ministro Fernando Gomes, lançou quinta-feira, em Bissau, uma petição pública para o regresso de políticos exilados no estrangeiro, destacando-se entre eles o ex-Primeiro-ministro e candidato Presidencial Carlos Gomes Júnior.
O chamado *Movimento Nô Djuna mon pa fidjus di tchom riba cassa* que em português significa, unamo-nos para o regresso a casa dos filhos desta terra, pretende recolher 50 mil assinaturas .
“Pretende, de imediato, a recolha de 50.000 assinaturas de cidadãos que, assumindo o compromisso de acolhimento e de proteção de políticos no exílio, consigam, por sua vez, junto dos Órgãos da soberania da Guiné-Bissau igual responsabilidade perante não só os subscritoresda petição pública, como perante todos os guineenses e a comunidade internacional”, disse Fernando Gomes .
Acrescentou que só juntos é que se possam contribuir para a construção de um País democrático, tolerante, Estado responsável, seguro, credível e respeitado, um Estado cujo desenvolvimento assente na paz, na justiça social, no respeito de todos e de cada um.
“O exílio é uma situação absolutamente inaceitável em qualquer país, porque é a expulsão da pátria, é o desterro, é o degredo, por isso viver no exílio é um sentimento de perda e de vazio constante”, considerou o coordenador do referido movimento.
Sublinhou que uma pessoa exilado pode até estar junto de amigos e familiares, mas o exílio faz nascer uma saudade especial dos que ficaram para trás e da sua pátria em particular.
A campanha decorrerá de 5 de Janeiro à 31 de Março do corrente ano em todo o território nacional e na diáspora.
O Movimento Nacional Cívico denominado “Nô djunta Mom pa Fidjus di Tchom riba Casa” foicriadocongregandoelementos da sociedade civil organizada, entidades religiosas, partidos políticos e líderes tradicionais e cidadãos em nome individual, no País, e na diáspora.