
Intercâmbio agricola EUA-Japão

Dear Friends,


Today, I had the opportunity to serve as a local guide to Mr. Tatsuya Ito, a Member of the Japanese Diet (House of Representatives). He is visiting the United States to discuss trade and other important bilateral issues between the United States and Japan. During his visit to Tulare, Mr. Ito and I met with local farmers to discuss trade negotiations and their impact on agriculture.



Pictured above from left to right is Deputy Consul General Nobuhiro Watanabe, Congressman Devin Nunes, Tatsuya Ito, Member of the Japanese House of Representatives, and local farmer Mark Watte.


Japan tightly restricts its agriculture imports, but we're looking to change that. New access to the Japanese market would allow made-in-America products to compete in one of the world’s richest economies. This would result in significant economic growth and, more importantly, jobs for rural America.


As trade negotiations with the Japanese and other Trans-Pacific Partnership nations continue, I am fighting to make sure agriculture will not be left behind (see my statement at a recent hearing here). In fact, as Chairman of the Trade Committee, I have made it clear that there will be no deal if our farmers don’t get a fair deal (see more about California agriculture exports).


Thanks for your interest in this important issue. And please check out the Nunes Digest which has been updated for your weekend reading.


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Devin Nunes

Um comentário:

Asa Loan disse...

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