Timor-Leste: Querem matar Paulino Gama?
Orders for Moruk to be killed?
January 17, 2015
By Ted McDonnell
TODAY former Timor Leste commander and freedom fighter Mauk Moruk (Paulino Gama, foto) could possibly die in a hail of bullets fired by PNTL officers or F-FDTL soldiers.
It will be said he fought PNTL, and possibly the Timor Leste army, with guns.
But he will die just the same. He will die in a similar fashion to ‘rebel’ soldier Alfredo Reinaldo, who many believe was murdered.
The call has come from high above in Timor Leste that Mauk Moruk must die. It has come from same person who made the call on Reinaldo. It is said, and I have seen the letter, Renaldo came down from the mountains to meet when J
ose Ramos Horta and Xanana Gusmao for a peace meeting. It is said he was then “assassinated".
That same person then had his people shoot and all but assassinate Jose Ramos Horta. Both Reinaldo and JRH should have died on 11 February 2008, according to the plan.
Now it’s Mauk Moruk’s turn to die possibly along with a lot of young Timorese followers.
But does he deserve to die?
In the last 48 hours, Moruk has caused untold trouble in Laga, Timor Leste; and it was all caused by him raising “ceremonial" flags he should not have raised because it is against the law. The PNTL tried to arrest but Mauk Moruk’s people captured two PNTL.
They held them captive and then released them. That is a crime in any country, and he deserves to be tried in a Court of law.
He does not, however, deserve to die like a dog on the lawn of a house.
Moruk and Xanana Gusmao have been long time foes dating back to the 1980s. Whether it dates back to the murder of fellow Falintil commanders in the mid 1980s I do not know. But the dislike between the two is palpable.
Moruk is a harsh critic of Gusmao’s style of government. Claiming the Gusmao government is financially incompetent, corrupt and is bound by nepotism.
However, many people feel the same way about the Gusmao government in Timor Leste they will take care of that at the 2017 polls.
There is little doubt Moruk deserves to face the courts over the incidents this week, however, he does not deserve to be killed by orders from a high above.

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