
A voz de Tamazgha, o Norte de África

The territories of Tamazgha (North of Africa) lived the year 2961-2011 rich in events among which some profoundly upset this
region. The Amazigh reached the status of official language in Morocco and the Tunisia and Libyan people got rid of their
dictatorships. We can only be delighted at it, even if the Islamists arrival to power - who dreams to guide by the Islamic Sharia -
arouses many anxieties for the democracy and the fundamental liberties.
The situation in the Tuareg country (in particular at the North of Niger and North of Mali) stays the most troublesome because
the populations are exposed on one side to the desertification and of the other to the effects of the war engaged on their
territories by the armed Islamist groups and the States of the region (Algeria, Mali, Niger supported by diverse western powers)
for the control of the space and the natural resources.

Morocco had numerous popular revolts in 2011, in the biggest cities (movement of February 20th) and particularly in the
marginalized region of the southeast (Tinghir, Alnif, Imider, Touroug…) in which the authorities answered with violent
repression and arrests. While, in spite of the numerous calls in favour of their liberation, the Amazighs political prisoners
Mustafa Oussaya and Hamid Ouattouch are arbitrarily maintained in prison. So goes Morocco, with its distort democracy and
old repressive methods.

Locking one by one the spaces of freedom and threatening any organization or citizen who demands the institution of a State
subject to the rule of law, the Algerian regime seems as the one who embodies best the dictatorship, with a particularly archaic
and rough character. The defenders of the rights of Amazighs and the members of the Movement for the autonomy of Kabylia
undergo a permanent police and judicial harassment.
In this hostile and oppressive context, Amazighs in the various countries bravely opted to fight in favour of the start of real
representative governments respectful with the values of freedom, democracy and human progress.
For this new year, according to the Charter of the United Nations which states that peoples have the right to self-determination,
the Amazigh World Congress (AWC) supports the Canarian people’s right for its independence and recommends for the other
Amazighs, the institution of federal States with a wide autonomy to regions and to its peoples. It is the only way, which will
allow Amazighs to reach the economic and social development, to protect and to promote their institutions, their culture and
their language.

Joining the amazigh movement of all the countries of Tamazgha, the Amazigh World Congress repeats its demand to establish
Yennayer, amazigh’s New Year's Day, as a paid holiday. The AWC deeply recommends to companies and local authorities to
apply it without waiting for governmental decision. Each has the duty to contribute to the reapropiation of the cultural amazigh
heritage by making of the Yennayer a holiday.

The exchanges between the peoples of the North of Africa and the development of this region are widely opposed by the lock
up of the Algerian-Moroccan border and the visa requirements by some States. The AWC, reminds that the North African
State’s borders are the consequences of the colonialism, and demands the opening of the border between Algeria and
Morocco as the visas abolition. The freedom of movement for the citizens of this region must not be subjected to limitation.
Imazighen, the Free Men, are one of last oppressed peoples in the world. But their fate deserves to live free as all the peoples
do. For that purpose, there is no other choice than pursue the action persistently to put off the injustices and obtain the legal
recognition and the effective respect for our rights and liberties.
Much more than in the past, the amazigh Diaspora must be strictly allied and implied in this fight for the development and the
democratization of the Tamazgha’s countries. Besides, the international dialogue has to remain on no account the monopoly of
States. It’s vital for the peoples of the South as those of the North where their civil society takes their entire place in the northsouth relations.

To carry these strong ambitions, the World Amazigh Congress wishes all a lot of conviction and energy to make of this
Yennayer, 2962-2012, a decisive stage the road of our rights, our liberties and our dignity.
Aseggas ameggaz, ifulkin, yeh’lan, ighudan, icnan, yulaghen, bonne année, buen año nuevo, happy new year…
Paris, 1 Yennayer 2962/12 january 2012
The Board and the Federal Council of AWC.

Congrès Mondial Amazigh – Organisation Internationale Non Gouvernementale
JO Rép. Fr. du 18/10/96 – Siret 402 775 720 00012

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