
Zimbabwe: a ZANU é quem mais ordena

Tsvangirai’s MDC didn’t do enough to prevent the new basic law giving Mugabe’s party the right to decide who succeeds him. The real winners of the constitutional referendum were the hardliners of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front. They now have a document that enshrines ZANU-PF's supremacy, whatever happens to President Robert Mugabe. Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change-T went lame in the final lap but is content with the second prize: hefty golden parachutes on leaving office. MDC-N splinter party leader Welshman Ncube got the wooden spoon.... Africa Confidential ----E ainda há quem diga que a África está a avançar; a libertar-se do subdesenvolvimento! Custa-me muito a acreditar. Mas a verdade é que há tantas formas de se viver no continente africano que existe sempre o risco de se fazerem generalizações.

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