
EUA interceptaram Tokyo Sexuale

JOHANNESBURG - Former South African government minister and anti-apartheid activist prominent businessman Tokyo Sexwale will approach the US government after he was arrested in New York for being on a list of banned persons to that country. The former Housing minister's lawyer, Lesley Mkhabela says Sexwale was arrested at JF Kennedy Airport while on a business trip to New York. Former struggle activists were banned from visiting America during apartheid. The ban has since been lifted but not all names have been removed from the list, said Mkhabela. "He has instructed us to take the matter up with the authorities of the US so we will address the letter to the US embassy in South Africa," said Sexwale lawyer. He says that they will also send the copy to the state's departments requiring clarification on the status of this issue and also assuring that this shall not happen again in the future.

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